The Hidden Dangers of Electrical Cords Getting Too Hot

Cables and wires are integral parts of electrical systems, serving as channels for electricity to flow from one point to another.

Sometimes, however, these cables may feel hot to the touch, and it can be concerning for users who rely on them for their daily activities. In this article, we will explore what it means when a cable is hot, why it happens, and whether or not it is safe for electrical cords to get hot.

What Does it Mean When a Cable is Hot?

A cable that is hot to the touch indicates that it is conducting an electrical current, and the electrical resistance in the wire is causing it to generate heat.

The amount of heat generated is proportional to the amount of current flowing through the cable and the resistance of the wire.

This phenomenon is known as Joule heating, named after the British physicist James Prescott Joule, who discovered it in the mid-1800s.

What Happens if a Cable Gets Hot?

When a cable gets hot, it can lead to several issues, including:

  1. Damage to the cable insulation: If a cable gets too hot, it can melt the insulation around the wire. This can expose the wire and create a short circuit, which can damage the equipment the cable is connected to or even cause a fire.
  2. Reduced lifespan: Excessive heat can also reduce the lifespan of the cable. The insulation around the wire may become brittle, making the cable more prone to breakage or failure over time.
  3. Increased electrical resistance: As the cable heats up, its electrical resistance increases, which can lead to voltage drops and power losses. This can affect the performance of the equipment connected to the cable.

Is it OK for an Electrical Cord to Get Hot?

While it is normal for electrical cords to feel warm to the touch, they should not get hot enough to cause damage.

If a cable is too hot to touch, it is a sign that there may be an issue with the cable or the equipment it is connected to. Here are some reasons why an electrical cord might get hot:

  1. Overloading: If a cable is carrying more current than it is designed for, it can generate excess heat and become hot to the touch. This can happen if too many appliances are plugged into the same outlet or if the cable is too small for the load it is carrying.
  2. Poor connection: Loose or damaged connections can create resistance in the cable, leading to excess heat generation.
  3. Faulty equipment: A malfunctioning appliance or electrical device can also cause a cable to get hot. If this is the case, the equipment should be repaired or replaced as soon as possible.

How Likely is an Extension Cord to Catch Fire?

Understanding the factors that increase the risk of extension cord fires can help you take steps to prevent them from happening.

One of the main causes of extension cord fires is overheating. This can occur when too much power is being drawn through the cord, causing it to heat up and potentially melt the insulation around the wires.

Overheating can also occur if the cord is damaged or if it is exposed to heat sources such as radiators, heaters, or direct sunlight.

Another risk factor for extension cord fires is improper use. For example, if an extension cord is used to power high-wattage appliances such as space heaters or air conditioners, it can overload the cord and increase the risk of fire.

Additionally, using extension cords as a permanent wiring solution, rather than a temporary measure, can also increase the risk of fire.

The likelihood of an extension cord catching fire depends on several factors, including the quality and condition of the cord, the amount of power being drawn through it, and how it is being used.

It is important to note that extension cords are not designed to be a permanent solution and should only be used on a temporary basis.

If you need to power high-wattage appliances or use multiple devices at the same time, it is recommended that you use a power strip or have additional outlets installed by a qualified electrician.

How do I stop my extension cord from overheating?

There are several steps you can take to prevent your extension cord from overheating:

  1. Choose the right cord: Use a cord that is designed for the amount of power you need. Check the label on the cord to see the maximum amperage and wattage it can handle.
  2. Avoid overloading the cord: Make sure you do not exceed the maximum amperage or wattage that the cord can handle. Overloading the cord can cause it to overheat and potentially cause a fire.
  3. Keep the cord cool: Avoid placing the cord near heat sources such as radiators, heaters, or direct sunlight. This can cause the cord to overheat and potentially catch fire.
  4. Inspect the cord regularly: Check the cord regularly for signs of damage such as frayed wires or cracked insulation. Damaged cords can cause the wires to short-circuit, leading to overheating and potential fire hazards. For more information read my article on my other safetyfrenzy site can cable catch fire?
  5. Unplug when not in use: Unplug the cord when you are not using it to reduce the risk of overheating.
  6. Use a power strip: Consider using a power strip instead of an extension cord if you need to plug in multiple devices. Power strips have built-in circuit breakers that can help prevent overheating and potential fire hazards.
  7. Consider having additional outlets installed: If you find yourself using extension cords frequently, it may be time to consider having additional outlets installed by a qualified electrician. This can help reduce the need for extension cords and the associated fire risks.

By following these steps, you can help ensure that your extension cords remain a safe and reliable source of power.


In conclusion, a cable that feels hot to the touch is an indication that it is conducting an electrical current and generating heat through Joule heating.

While it is normal for electrical cords to feel warm, they should not get hot enough to cause damage or create a safety hazard.

If you notice that a cable is getting too hot, it is essential to investigate the cause and take appropriate measures to prevent any damage or injury.

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