Connecting batteries in series vs parallel

We connect batteries in series and parallel to achieve our desired voltage and current because different systems require different voltage and current ratings, Not all ratings are available.  

Difference between series and parallel batteries

Batteries can be connected in two main configurations: series and parallel. These configurations affect the overall voltage and current of the battery bank, and understanding their differences is crucial for various applications.

  1. Series Connection:

    • When batteries are connected in series, the positive terminal of one battery is connected to the negative terminal of another battery, and so on. The voltage of the battery bank is the sum of the individual voltages of the batteries.
    • The overall capacity remains the same as that of a single battery.
    • The current remains the same across all batteries.
    • This configuration is typically used to increase the total voltage of the battery bank for applications that require higher voltage levels.
  2. Parallel Connection:

    • When batteries are connected in parallel, the positive terminals are connected together, and the negative terminals are connected together. The voltage remains the same as that of a single battery.
    • The overall capacity of the battery bank increases, as the capacity of each individual battery adds up.
    • The voltage across all batteries remains the same, but the total current capacity increases.
    • This configuration is often used to increase the total current capacity for applications that require higher current levels.

When choosing between series and parallel connections, it is essential to consider the specific requirements of the application.

For example, in applications that require both high voltage and high current, a combination of series and parallel connections might be used to achieve the desired power output.

It is important to note that while connecting batteries in series or parallel can increase the overall power output, it is crucial to ensure that all batteries have the same voltage and capacity to prevent damage to the batteries and ensure optimal performance.

Parameters Batteries in Series Batteries in Parallel
Voltage Adds up (V_total = V_1 + V_2 + …) Same as the voltage of a single battery
Current Same across all batteries Increases (A_total = A_1 + A_2 + …)
Capacity Same as that of a single battery Adds up (C_total = C_1 + C_2 + …)
Application Increase total voltage for higher voltage needs Increase total current for higher current requirements


Parallel connection of batteries increases the current capacity Amp-hour output, While the voltage has no change.

In a series connection, we increase the voltage while keeping the current capacity Amp-hour rating the same.

Connecting batteries in series and parallel

As we know an electric circuit consists of three main components. i.e. power source, Load, and conducting wire.

We also know that two combinations are common for connecting power sources and loads. These are parallel and series connections.

The procedure and calculating results for both load and power source in parallel and series combination are different. As in this article, we are targeting batteries, Therefore we only consider power sources.

Similarly, we know that when we add power sources in series, the voltages add up. If we connect the power sources in parallel, the voltage will remain the same.

how do you connect batteries in series?

When connecting batteries in series, you essentially connect the positive terminal of one battery to the negative terminal of the next, and so on.

This results in the positive terminal of the first battery being the positive terminal of the entire battery bank, and the negative terminal of the last battery being the negative terminal of the entire battery bank. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

When we add two or more batteries, It is necessary that the Voltage and capacity rating of each battery must be the same.

Series battery connection
Series battery connection
  1. Gather the batteries: Ensure you have the required number of batteries that you want to connect in series.

  2. Arrange the batteries: Place the batteries side by side, making sure the positive terminal of one battery is adjacent to the negative terminal of the next.

  3. Connect the batteries: Use appropriate cables or wires to connect the positive terminal of the first battery to the negative terminal of the second battery. Similarly, connect the positive terminal of the second battery to the negative terminal of the third battery, and so on until you have connected all the batteries in the series.

  4. Secure the connections: Ensure that all the connections are secure and tight to prevent any loose connections or accidental disconnections.

  5. Test the circuit: After connecting the batteries in series, test the circuit to ensure that the voltage output is the sum of the individual voltages of the batteries and that the connections are functioning properly.

When connecting batteries in series, it’s crucial to pay attention to the polarity and ensure that you connect the positive terminal of one battery to the negative terminal of the next and vice versa. This will help you achieve the desired increase in the total voltage of the battery bank.

connecting batteries in parallel

When connecting batteries in parallel, you essentially connect the positive terminals of all the batteries together and the negative terminals of all the batteries together.

This creates a battery bank where the positive and negative terminals are the overall positive and negative terminals of the entire bank. Here’s a step-by-step guide to connecting batteries in parallel:

Parallel bataries
Parallel batteries
  1. Gather the batteries: Collect the batteries you intend to connect in parallel.

  2. Arrange the batteries: Position the batteries side by side in a row, ensuring that all the positive terminals and negative terminals are oriented in the same direction.

  3. Connect the batteries: Use appropriate cables or wires to connect the positive terminals of all the batteries to each other and the negative terminals of all the batteries to each other. This creates a parallel connection among the batteries.

  4. Secure the connections: Ensure that all the connections are secure and tight to prevent any loose connections or accidental disconnections.

  5. Test the circuit: After connecting the batteries in parallel, test the circuit to ensure that the voltage remains the same as that of a single battery, while the overall current capacity increases.

When connecting batteries in parallel, make sure that the positive terminals are connected to each other and the negative terminals are connected to each other.

This configuration helps in increasing the overall current capacity of the battery bank without changing the voltage.

Also, it’s crucial to use batteries with the same voltage and capacity to ensure optimal performance and prevent any issues related to imbalances in charging and discharging.

Series / parallel connection

Series-parallel connections involve combining both series and parallel configurations to create a more complex electrical circuit. This allows you to achieve specific voltage and current requirements for a particular application.



Here is how you can set up a series-parallel connection:

  1. Understand the requirements: Determine the specific voltage and current requirements for your application. If you need both increased voltage and current, a series-parallel connection may be the solution.

  2. Group the batteries: Divide the batteries into smaller groups, each with the required number of batteries to achieve the desired voltage and current output.

  3. Connect the groups in parallel: Connect the positive terminals of the groups together and the negative terminals of the groups together to create separate parallel circuits.

  4. Connect the groups in series: Connect the positive terminal of the first parallel group to the negative terminal of the next parallel-group, and so on until all the groups are connected in a series.

  5. Secure the connections: Ensure that all connections are secure and properly insulated to prevent any short circuits.

  6. Test the circuit: After setting up the series-parallel connection, test the circuit to verify that the voltage and current levels meet the requirements of your application.

Series-parallel connections are often used in various applications, such as in electric vehicles, solar power systems, and other high-power applications where specific voltage and current levels are necessary.

It’s essential to maintain consistency in battery specifications within each group to ensure uniform charging and discharging across the entire configuration.

battery series connection formula

When batteries are connected in series, the total voltage across the series connection is the sum of the individual voltages of each battery. The formula for calculating the total voltage in a series connection of n batteries is:

V total=V1+V2+…+Vn,


  • Vtotal is the total voltage across the series connection,
  • V1, V2,…, Vn are the voltages of the individual batteries in the series connection.

For example, if you have three batteries with voltages 6 volts, 8 volts, and 10 volts connected in series, the total voltage across the series connection would be:

V total=6 V+8 V+10 V=24 V.

Make sure to use the appropriate units for voltage, such as volts (V). This formula helps in understanding how the voltage adds up when batteries are connected in series.

batteries in the parallel formula

When batteries are connected in parallel, the voltage across the parallel connection remains the same as that of a single battery. However, the overall capacity increases. The formula for calculating the total capacity in a parallel connection of n batteries is:



  • C total is the total capacity across the parallel connection,
  • C1, C2,…, Cn are the capacities of the individual batteries in the parallel connection.

For example, if you have three batteries with capacities of 1000 mAh, 1200 mAh, and 1500 mAh connected in parallel, the total capacity across the parallel connection would be:

C total=1000 mAh+1200 mAh+1500 mAh=3700 mAh

Ensure that all capacities are in the same units, such as milliampere-hours (mAh). This formula illustrates how the capacity adds up when batteries are connected in parallel.


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